1984 Audi Sport Quattro S1 [w/video]

Posted on 14 March, 2012

Filed under: Classics, Coupe, Performance, Europe, Videos, Crossover, Audi, Racing

Tearing It Up In The Deep White With The Original Stig

1984 Audi Sport Quattro S1

There are lots of fine race driver names in the history of motorsports. Sterling Moss, Alfonso Antonio Vicente Eduardo Angel Blas Francisco de Borja Cabeza de Vaca y Leighton (a.k.a. Marquis de Portago), and the ever popular Dick Trickle come to mind. We’d need to put in a strong vote, however, for Swede rally sensation Stig Blomqvist, winner of the 1984 World Rally Championship drivers’ title. He drove for the Audi Sport factory team between 1982 and 1985, his Group B championship-winning season starting in a long-wheelbase Audi Quattro A2 and finishing in a short-wheelbase Sport Quattro S1.

Lucky for us, we recently had the chance to belt in beside The Stig as he powered over a west central Swedish parcours buried in deep snow. Better still, we were able to ride shotgun with the legendary shoe piloting what was essentially the same Sport Quattro S1 he drove for the last part of the ’84 WRC season.

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1984 Audi Sport Quattro S1 [w/video] originally appeared on AudiMobiles on Wed, 14 Mar 2012 11:58:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
