Best way to keep your car safe

Posted on 29 April, 2013

Even if you are not a devoted motoring fanatic, your car is a highly valued personal possession, and most people dread the thought of being separated from it by theft. The anguish and inconvenience caused by such instances are all too common, but here are a few ways to help keep your car from falling into the wrong hands:

GPS Tracking

Some car manufacturers currently offer satellite based tracking systems as extra features with their newer models. These can pin down the location of a missing vehicle to within a few yards and provide valuable information to the over-stretched police when looking to recover a stolen car. The same systems are also available as add-ons from separate dedicated companies, and although they don’t come cheap you may want investigate whether the extra investment would be worth it.

Make haste

Once you have had your car stolen, time really is of the essence – particularly for those not fortunate enough to have the latest technology at their disposal. The longer that thieves have your vehicle, the more unlikely that it is that you will ever see it again, as many work in conjunction with garages who strip the car of identifying features. An alarm system with a two way communication system that shows on your key fob when the immobiliser has been over-ridden can keep you informed even when the vehicle is not in sight, and help you to notify the police as soon as possible.

Park smart

You can do yourself a lot of favours by choosing your parking spot carefully and avoiding areas that make It easy for thieves. Go for well lit areas whenever possible, and if you are using a paid car park avoid leaving it by the exit. It may be more expensive, but the few extra pounds to use a space that is staffed by an attendant could be a big deterrent to potential criminals. At home you may want to clear out the old junk from your garage and store it in there overnight, as this really is the best way to keep your car safe. This not only saves you a lot of potential heartache and administrative stress by deterring the vast majority of thieves, it can also help you find cheaper motor insurance quotes too. Many providers recognise the reduced risk of locked off-street parking by significantly lowering the rate of your premiums – one such company is AXA Insurance, so take a look at their website to find out how much you can save.

Remove belongings

Leaving valuables in plain sight on car seats is a big mistake, and should be avoided at all costs. You should also be careful about leaving personal documents in your vehicle, as these can be used to defraud you by identity scams. If you are away from the car for any length of time you may also want to take the vehicle documents with you to prevent the thief from an easy re-sale. Never keep spare copies of keys in your car, and don’t forget to double check that you have properly closed windows and locked doors.

Avoiding car theft is tricky and there are no fail-safe guarantees, but by taking these steps you can give yourself a much better chance of deterring criminals and increasing peace of mind when leaving your beloved vehicle unattended.