Audi Hosts Design Universities

Posted on 27 November, 2012

  • On November 22–23, 2012 Audi presented joint projects with four European design universities
  • Workshops and creative exchanges between Audi and young designers
  • Wolfgang Egger, head of Design at Audi: “We use these student projects to foster tomorrow’s designers”

Audi invited four European design universities to “Audi Design UNIverse” in Ingolstadt on November 22–23. For the first time, students and professors from Bratislava, London, Milan and Offenbach presented models to the Audi Design team.

Audi has been collaborating with design universities from around the world for decades. On November 22–23, students from four universities traveled to Ingolstadt for the first time to show their models to the Audi Design team. The students attend the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Slovakia), Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan (Italy), the Offenbach University of Art and Design (Germany) and the Royal College of Art London (Great Britain), respectively.

These young designers talked with the Audi team about visions and trends in design and emotionality. “University collaborations like this are an excellent opportunity to recruit young professionals,” says Wolfgang Egger, head of Audi Design. “Many designers have taken this path to a job at Audi.”

All in all, 42 students designed 46 models concerning mobility, materials and emotions. Among them were potential solutions to traffic issues during Expo Milano 2015. Students’ models were innovative and uniquely interdisciplinary – smart solutions that blend automotive design with textile design, art and nature as inspiration. During their presentations in Ingolstadt, students described a variety of inspirations, conceptual approaches and design processes regarding their models.