Blind buying seems to be a thing of the past, as people are now weighing the pros and cons of each and every investment. One spending choice that seems to give buyers the most trouble is deciding on a reliable car that won’t fall to pieces after just a few years. One debate in question, which is split between two passionate camps, is over whether European cars are better than American cars. While there are no easy answers to this debate, both camps provide a number of interesting and practical reasons to support why one type of car is better than the other.
Visual Aesthetics and Size
While looks aren’t everything, they can help to indicate the quality and craftsmanship of a motor vehicle. For sports cars, European car lovers are quick to dismiss American competitors, and point to the elegant beauty and artistry of the smaller European design. Truthfully, the European attention to detail is staggering, with many of their sports cars looking more like small sculptures than road vehicles. However, American car lovers can also point to many beautiful sports cars in the states, and also prefer the larger vehicle designs so popular in America. The difference in size between European cars and American cars comes from the roads that the vehicles are made for, with European roads being much smaller than those in America. Also, since European cars are so small, carpooling parties or large families would have difficult traveling together. With this in mind, consumers should probably look past visual aesthetics, and instead make their purchase choice based on other factors, including lifestyle.
Handling, Speed, and Brakes
Car buyers need a vehicle that can maneuver comfortably, maintain smooth and safe speeds, and stop suddenly with ease. For each one of these factors, European car lovers also point to the power and sensitivity of their vehicles of choice. Overall, according to car enthusiasts on both sides, more European cars can go faster and make tighter turns than American cars. However, once again, European cars are made for different conditions than those in America. Speed limits are much looser in Europe, with some areas allowing cars to legally reach speeds over 150 miles per hour. Combining this with smaller roads, it is obvious why European cars tend to go faster and handle tighter than American ones. If you are living in America, there’s no practical need to drive over the legal speed limit, and these speed restrictions prevent accidents, and can help to keep auto insurance rates lower since the less risky a car is considered to be, the lower the insurance rates. For American roads, most American cars provide adequate speed and handling, and can cost less money to purchase than European cars. When it comes to reliable handling and speed, consumers need to make their decision based on where they are driving, and what restrictions they will need to follow.
Do Your Own Research
Because there are so many opinions on the matter, one of the ways for consumers to decide between a European and American car is to test-drive them. A test drive can play an important part in determining what kind of car works best for a buyer. Personal preference will always vary between people, and when it comes to the most reliable car, research crash-test result of the cars you are interested in. Some European cars get higher results than certain American cars but that doesn’t always have to be case, depending on the different cars being compared.